You are here:>>LM2596, how to adjust voltage out?
LM2596, how to adjust voltage out? 2015-07-21T03:08:53+00:00

Home Forums Voltage Regulator Support LM2596, how to adjust voltage out?

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  • Mark Lunday
    Post count: 0

    Mine only has ONE button on each side, probably an older model. how do I control voltage out? Thanks

    Post count: 2971

    Hi, It is the high-precision potentiometers, so please rotating it few times, counterclockwise is step down, and clockwise is step up the voltage. thanks.

    Roger Gardner
    Post count: 0

    Does my DROK 12v/5v stepdown converter SR Adjustable DC 8-22v to 1-15v 3Amp regulated power supply draw any current from the input battery when the output side is open circuit
    (disconnected) Thank you a reply would be appreciated.

    Post count: 2971

    Hi Roger Gardner, yes, this item will draw current from the input battery even if the output is disconnected. but not a big current draw.

    Post count: 0

    I have the LM2596 with the 4 button adjustment. There is no led indicating input or out put. But I can assume the batteries i have is reading correctly. But the output ( and the issue I am having) is that i can hit the + / – buttons but it doesn’t hold to the voltage I want and goes back to 00.0

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