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Adjustable Voltage Regulator DC LVP differential issues 2022-09-21T18:02:23+00:00

Home Forums Voltage Regulator Support Adjustable Voltage Regulator DC LVP differential issues

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  • Jason
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    Does the Drok Adjustable Voltage Regulator DC (200517, listed on Amazon as B089ND7PTH) low voltage protection have a voltage differential setting?

    When I set the low voltage protection setting and connect it to a battery pack the output turns off correctly at the voltage, but it turns back on right away once the no load battery voltage goes up by a hundredth of a volt.

    This causes the output to turn on and off rapidly causing an oscillation.

    The LVP should have a differential voltage setting so it doesn’t turn back on until the voltage rises by a larger value (1 volt).

    Post count: 2971

    Hello Jason,

    Sorry, there is no differential voltage setting.  We will try to report that to factory.

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