You are here:>>Current/Voltage Meter with Programmable Limits
Current/Voltage Meter with Programmable Limits 2021-01-16T00:16:17+00:00

Home Forums Advice Current/Voltage Meter with Programmable Limits

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  • Ricardo of Lightheaded Lighting
    Post count: 0

    Good Day!!! I made power supply (LED driver) tester for our production floor. I’m using DROK 4in1 Voltmeter-Ammeter-Power-Meter Energy, I connected a load to represent the LED. So when the production operator connects the power supply (driver) to the tester it will read the current and voltage(that’s what we need only). The only feedback that I got from production is take about 2-3 seconds to read the current & voltage. Is there other ammeter-voltmeter that can read instantaneously? as compact as the DROK. Below is the DROK 4in1 that i’m using now…

    thanks & regards

    Mike Carney
    Post count: 0


    I’m looking to by some «Digital Tester 4in1 AC Voltmeter/Ammeter/Power Meter/Energy Meter Multifunction Monitor Panel Meter/Digital Multimeter + Current Transformer»

    I would like know if I can use them on a permanent connected application.  They will be on duty 24 hr/day all year round.   Are they reliable for running non stop for a long period as many years?


    Post count: 2971

    Hello Mike Carney,

    Non-stop running more or less has influence on service life.  It depends on the actual service condition.

    Best regards.

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