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D85-2042A connection 2017-01-17T23:07:54+00:00

Home Forums Panel Meter Support D85-2042A connection

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  • Mike
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    I just took delivery (via Amazon) of two of your D-85-2042A digital meters, and I look forward to using them. However, I am not sure I understand the provide hook-up diagram.

    Is the diagram rectangle labeled “CT” the circular object (a toroid?) that is referred to as “the transformer”? If so, even though the diagram says “Measure wires pass through the hold of the transformer,” only one wire (not “wires”), one of the AC leads to the load, would pass through the transformer — right?

    I apologize for what probably is a dumb question, but I would appreciate your guidance. The meters look to be of very high quality, and I don’t want to ruin them by hooking them up incorrectly. Thank you.

    Post count: 2971

    Hello Mike,
    Thank you for writing in.
    In order to ensure which product you mention,could you please send us the link of product?
    Hope you can understand.
    Best regards.

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