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DC Watt meter for photovoltaic 2017-03-23T21:03:57+00:00

Home Forums Panel Meter Support DC Watt meter for photovoltaic

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  • Simone
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    Hi there, I’m writing from Italy,
    I need to monitor the power production of my 8 (225w) photovoltaic panels, two strings of 4 panels each, before the inverter.
    Is there some Drok item right for my request?

    Post count: 2971

    Hello Simone,
    Thank you for writing in.
    Would you please let us know more details about your requirement?
    For example, the measuring voltage , the current and etc.
    Look forward to your reply.
    Best regards.

    Post count: 0

    Drok, tnx for your reply…
    Voltage: the inverter, Western Co. Leonardo System 4kW/3000/48V, support an inuput of max 150v for each string.
    Current: the inverter support max 13A for each string.
    So I suppose that 4 panels will never exceedboth this values.
    I need two DC power meters, one for each string.

    Post count: 2971

    Hello Simone,
    Thank you for your reply.
    We are sorry it seems we don’t have such an meter.
    The measure range for most of our power meters can’t not meet your demand.
    Hope you can understand.
    As a small and growing company, we will keep moving to improve our products and service.
    Look forward to more cooperation in the future.
    Best regards.

    Post count: 0

    No problem Drok, it’s me that thank you for your disponibility to help…
    Best whishes

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