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Drok 09016 Converter 2017-01-04T16:56:08+00:00

Home Forums Voltage Regulator Support Drok 09016 Converter

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  • Paul Liedl
    Post count: 0

    I just bought a Drok Constant Current, Constant Voltage Buck Regulator (09016) to charge a 12 volt battery off of a 50 watt solar panel. (Maybe I have the wrong product?) But my question is about the set-up instructions. I get the part about setting the output voltage which I have set to 13.5 volts. How do I adjust the amperage to work in my application? Would adjusting it the maximum make sense. Thanks for your help

    Post count: 2971

    Hello,Paul Liedl
    Thank you for writing in.
    For resolving your problem accurately,could you please send us the link of product,so we can ensure which product you have?
    With your help, we can find a solution more quickly.
    Waiting for your reply.
    Best regards

    Paul Liedl
    Post count: 0

    Here is the link:

    Thanks for the help. I wish to have a buck converter to regulate the output of a 50 watt solar panel to a 12 volt battery. If I have purchased the wrong product – which product would you suggest.

    Post count: 2971

    Hello Paul Liedl,
    Thank you for your information.
    Could you please tell us how large load current of your application?
    You should adjust amperage base on the load.
    Hope this can help you.
    Best regards.

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