You are here:>>DROK® Car Clock Digital Timetable as Stopwatch?
DROK® Car Clock Digital Timetable as Stopwatch? 2016-09-22T15:28:13+00:00

Home Forums Any Other Products DROK® Car Clock Digital Timetable as Stopwatch?

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  • Mark Sheeky
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    I have the “DROK® Car Clock Digital Timetable 0.56 Blue LED Display Panel Electronic Clock Stopwatch Second Chronograph with Night Light” I bought this as it was advertised as a stopwatch and I wanted a fast countup timer with reset/start/stop.

    Which pins can achieve this?

    When I flip it over I have the wires on the right and 6 pins along the top (1,2,3,4,5,6) and 6 along the bottom (7,8,9,10,11,12)

    Can I connect some of these to activate and use the stopwatch functions?

    Post count: 2971

    Hello Mark Sheeky,
    Thank you for writing in and so sorry for causing you misunderstanding.
    This product do not have a stopwatch and countup timer function.
    We have amended the description at once.
    We must apology for the trouble caused on you.
    Beg your forgiveness and understanding.
    Best regards

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