You are here:>>DROK L298 Dual H Bridge Motor Driver Datasheet
DROK L298 Dual H Bridge Motor Driver Datasheet 2017-06-02T21:13:36+00:00

Home Forums Advice DROK L298 Dual H Bridge Motor Driver Datasheet

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  • Art R
    Post count: 0


    We purchased a number of these boards and can not find any documentation anywhere. Can you please provide a datasheet and pinout.

    Post count: 2971

    Hello Art R,
    Thank you for writing in.
    We are sorry for inconvenience cuased you.
    We recently update the instruction for this item, so we can’t send it with product to you in time.
    Please refer to instruction here.
    Best regards.

    Paul S.
    Post count: 0

    same issue, can find no documentation. your link in the previous post is bad, please advise.


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