You are here:>>SKU:200219 Trouble with Voltage (also calibrating issue)
SKU:200219 Trouble with Voltage (also calibrating issue) 2021-03-24T14:39:03+00:00

Home Forums Panel Meter Support SKU:200219 Trouble with Voltage (also calibrating issue)

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  • Austris
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    Dear Drok team,

    looks like I have done something bad to my fresh new SKU:200219 100A power meter. I had it put on a plus wire of  4cell lifepo4 battery (12.8V). It was working just fine – reading Volts, showing Amps when engaged inverter, etc. Then, as I was trying to accustom the menu (e.g. accidentally resetting the no-load A reading, etc) … I also got it (accidentally) disconnected from power supply few times. And next thing what I noticed was it reading 90-94V instead of 13V.

    Went into google and found calibration menu … I tried it, but I only had a battery available, no external powersupply. First I did try to adjust the Voltage reading when in 10V  … even with arrow down and getting adjustment all the way down from ~4000 to 0, I could not get voltage reading much below the 80V. Then I went into 40V setting and tuned down … from few thousands to tens, to get roughly 13.5V.


    Looks like that might not have been a good idea to do as now the Voltage reading is very instable (e.g. jumping from 13V-13.5V) and also Amps appears way off 🙁

    Also if try to do calibration with 12V power supply … in the 10V mode the adjustment is down to 0000, but read voltage is still above 13V:(


    Hence few questions – is it possible to do some kind of factory reset? Is it possible to calibrate the voltage reading if I have only 12V and 24V powersupplies available (two separate units) or do I need a single unit adjustable from 12V to 32V?

    Taking into account the mess with 10V/40V adjustments that I have caused, what would be the procedure to reset/get it back to normal?


    Thank You so much in advance and apologies for abuse of equipment:)


    Best regards,

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    Post count: 2971

    Hello Austris,

    We are sorry to hear that. There is no factory reset setting.

    To get better calibration result, please find one adjustable power supply. If you use two different power supplys, it is hard to calibrate “10V” and “40v”  at the same time.

    For any more questions, please let us know

    Best regards,


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