You are here:>>Usb 5v step up converter
Usb 5v step up converter 2016-06-23T23:54:44+00:00

Home Forums Advice Usb 5v step up converter

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  • Colin
    Post count: 0

    Hi guys! So I ordered your 5v usb step up converter and it didn’t come with the two wires on it. I need te positive and negative wires for my circuit. What do I do!? Thanks!

    Post count: 2971

    Hello Colin,
    Thank you for writing in.
    Sorry that since many products is with similar titles, it is hard for us to ensure which product you are referring to.
    Could you please tell us your order ID or the link of the product?
    With your help, we can find a solution more quickly.
    Best reagrds

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