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VAC9010H calibration 2017-08-27T19:10:58+00:00

Home Forums Panel Meter Support VAC9010H calibration

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  • Roberto
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    Hi, I purchased from Amazon a VAC9010H bidiretional voltage and current meter. It look working properly, but it is not discrimitating currente less than 0,5 A. If the current is less tha 0,6 A the display indicates zero Amperes. If the current increase more than 0,5 A the correct value is displayed. It is correct ? I think no, being 0,3  A  the value of current that can be always switched on the display for more than one minute.

    Thank you for your kind attention.



    Post count: 0

    Hi, I purchased from Amazon a VAC9010H bidiretional voltage and current meter. It look working properly, but it is not discrimitating currente less than 0,5 A. If the current is less tha 0,6 A the display indicates zero Amperes. If the current increase more than 0,5 A the correct value is displayed. It is correct ? I think no, being 0,3 A the value of current that can be always switched on the display for more than one minute.

    Thank you for your kind attention.


    PS my cortrect email is

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