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Wiring 2016-08-29T16:15:08+00:00

Home Forums Advice Wiring

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  • Robert Boyll
    Post count: 0

    I need help wiring my new DROK digital meter to my solar pump. Basically the 10 watt solar panel is wired directely to a small DC pump. If I take the input wires and wire them to the red and black it will read the DC volatage. If I take just the load wires it still justs reads the voltage. If I take both reads and both blacks on the back of the meter and wire them to the black and red at the pump or the solar panel it still justs reads voltage. The small pump is able to take the volatage directley from the solar panel and operate the pump. The pump can be seen at this web site


    Post count: 2971

    Hello Robert Boyll,
    Thank you for writing in.
    Could you please tell us your order ID or the link of the product?
    Waiting for your reply.
    Best regards

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