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wls-pva200 wiring 2023-08-02T17:30:58+00:00

Home Forums Advice wls-pva200 wiring

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  • Timothy
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    I am wiring a wls-pva200 ammeter for a 120 – 140 volt dc system.  However, the voltage is not detected when using an external power supply. it always shows up as th epower supply voltage.

    There are only 3 wires.  red/black/yellow.
    yellow goes to the source positive (+) 120 volts.
    red to my 12 volt positive (+) (power supply)
    black to my 12 volt negative (-) (power supply)

    The wiring diagram for external power supply makes no sense whatsoever.
    I cannot splice the black to both the 12 volt power supply negative (-) and the 120 volt source negative (-) without causing serious problems.

    How in the world am I supposed to give the source negative (120 volts DC) access to the DROK wls-pva200 so it can read the source voltage?

    Thanks much in advance.

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