You are here:>>Yes I want to buy a converter
Yes I want to buy a converter 2015-08-06T03:41:22+00:00

Home Forums Advice Yes I want to buy a converter

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  • Norman Cobb
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    yes I want to buy a converter for a project. I have 18vdc batteries I use with my Portcable tools and I want to stepdown the voltage and make a pro looking belt that I can use the 18vdc batteries to power my metal detector which uses two 9vdc batteries. One 9vdc will last about 12 hours so I go through a lot and they are expenices to say the least.
    Can you tell me which buck conferver to buy, I like the one that has the current and voltage output displayed in two LED displays, as well I like the Clear plastic protective outer case?
    Can you help me, the Fisher F4 is what I have now but I plain to upgrade next year to the Fisher F5.

    Post count: 2971

    Hi, as you description, this 5A voltage regulator can meet your requirement.
    If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to write back to us.

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